If you have been reading my blog, you may know that I recently presented at our monthly MN Visual Journal Collective meeting on the topic of self-care and journaling.
There were so many people who wanted to attend, yet the Minnesota weather got half the group to stay at home. That choice was good self-care!
However, I feel there is a need, especially with all that's going on in our world, for a vehicle to practice self-care. A visual journal is a wonderful tool and companion to fill this need.
I am excited to announce that I am working on my next online class on this very subject.
Read all about it below and get in on the early bird price!
With Gratitude,

Welcome! You are invited to take a deep dive with me into the world of visual journaling as a self-care tool.
Self-care is not something most of us were raised learning about or had modeled for us.
It's up to us as adults to learn how to give ourselves the self-care that we need for our own health and well-being.
Let's do this together. You are not alone!
What solutions can a visual journal provide?
Q: Do you need one place to collect all of your ideas and inspirations?
A: A visual journal is a great solution.
Q: Do you need a place to track your physical, mental, or emotional ups and downs?
A: A visual journal is wonderful, as you have space to draw a human form and label what hurts, including your heart.
Q: Are you new to visual journaling and need a space to play and explore with mixed media supplies?
A: Your visual journal is just the right spot. You may want a larger size journal so you have the freedom to play.
Q: Do you long to document more about your life?
A: Open up the pages of your visual journal and start writing your observations, thoughts, gluing in photos, etc. Your life matters.
Q: Do you need a safe space to get to know yourself better?
A: A visual journal is the safe place that fulfills that need for self-connection.
Q: Do you need a place to write down your wishes and dreams?
A: A visual journaling practice helps you name, acknowledge, and potentially manifest your dreams!
Q: Would you like a safe space to connect to something greater than yourself?
A: Through writing and visual imagery work you have the opportunity to tap into the subconscious, as well as the often mysterious spiritual realm.

The visual journal is a safe place to love yourself, your whole self, all parts of yourself.

Self-compassion, self-love, self-acceptance, freedom from criticism, and non-judgment is self-care.
Self-care is also participating in activities that enhance your well-being.

If it's new to you, visual journaling for self-care may feel challenging at first, yet it can also feel kind of like a party. We are here on this planet to celebrate our lives. No, life is not easy, and yes, there are beautiful gifts hidden throughout our time here. Many of the gifts come through challenges and difficulties that we face and work through. Your visual journal is an amazing tool and companion to help you make it across the threshold.
Ultimately, I want to help remind you that you are valuable, your life matters, you have wisdom within you, and love around you.
“Self-compassion involves wanting health and well-being for oneself and leads to proactive behavior to better one’s situation, rather than passivity. And self-compassion doesn’t mean that I think my problems are more important than yours, it just means I think that my problems are also important and worthy of being attended to.”-Kristin Neff, Self-Compassion: Stop Beating Yourself Up and Leave Insecurity Behind
What You'll Get in the Self-Care and Visual Journaling Online Class:
- More information about why you want to use a journal for self-care
- 8 Videos that guide you through various exercises on how to use your journal for self-care
- Additional resources including links to websites, books, quotes, videos, and recommended art supplies
- Up to 2 email exchanges with me over the 6 week period
- Plus lots of support and encouragement to trust yourself, love yourself, and believe in your worth
The online classroom opens on Tuesday, February 25, 2020.
Videos will be released over a period of 6 weeks (Feb. 25-March 31, 2020)
Once all videos are posted, the course will run as a self-paced online course.
Policy Note: NO REFUNDS
Thank you so much for saying yes to yourself and for helping to support my small business. I am truly grateful.
Suggested Supplies:
Note: Below I am using my Amazon affiliate links. The cost to you is the same, and you are helping me get a slight kick back for referring you to buying on Amazon. It's a win-win. I only list items that I believe are listed at a fair price. I am a bargain shopper, so I won't send you to something that is way over priced.
Canson XL Mix Media Sketchbook 11 x 14 inches for freedom of expression
Royal Talens Ecoline Brush Markers
Prima Marketing Confetti Watercolor Set with Waterbrush
Crayola eXtreme Colors Twistable Crayons
Acrylic paints -Inexpensive 2 oz. bottles of Apple Barrel matte craft acrylic or acrylic paint from Target-use what you have
Paint brushes
Simply Simmons ong handle set of 5
Simply Simmons short handle set of 4
Ball Point Pens
Paper Mate or Bic
We'll go over more supplies in class. This will certainly get you started!
Thank you!
You and your creativity matter!
With Gratitude and Blessings,
Briana of