Greetings Everyone!
The March 16, 2020 MN Visual Journal Collective meeting was not in person this month, due to COVID-19 restrictions. However, Molly Anthony of The Found Art Walk and Briana of Orange Spiral Arts, showed up to Wet Paint to record a Facebook Live. This was a first for us. We got some help from Chris at Wet Paint, too. Thank you, Chris!
The video is saved in the MN Visual Journal Collective Facebook group for members to watch, in case you missed the Live session, or if you want to watch it again for ideas and inspiration.
Molly did such a fantastic job preparing for the meeting. She is an amazing writer and human, who is going through a family crisis at the moment, and still showed up to present and share her incredible journals. Art is a balm for the soul. Molly knows this first hand, as I am sure many of you do, as well.
If you are not a member of the MN Visual Journal Collective, or if you'd like to read about our meeting, this blog post is for you. It's a summary of what Molly shared on the topic of stitching in your journal.
I tried my best to take notes, while also moderating comments on the Facebook Live video stream.
First let me share some photos of Molly's art and some book resources with you.
Artwork and journals by Molly Anthony (above)
Stitching resource book suggestions by Molly Anthony
Next, I would like to share some of the main points from Molly's talk about stitching.
What to Use
- discarded fabric, old clothes, quilts or quilt pieces, vintage fabric, lace, flower sacks, dryer sheets, dried tea bags
(Find these at thrift stores, Art Scraps in St. Paul, MN, your own attic or family members' stash, or ask friends to collect fabrics for you)
- embroidery floss, thread, cotton spools
- various needles
- seam ripper
- fabric strips and small scraps, ribbon, lace, etc.
- TRY EVERYTHING-You never know what you'll like! (Wise advice from Molly)
Next, here are some more photos of Molly's incredible journals, plus a few ideas to try.
IDEA to try: Bind a book of fabric pieces (like cotton and muslin) into an old hardcover book. Use this book as your place to practice your stitches.
Idea to try: Make paper and fabric collages on tags. Stitch and/or glue random bits to the tags, too.
Idea to try: Make your own little fabric books for fabric collage and stitching.
Molly's Mindset About Stitching
"Go at it and see what happens."
Let it be random and just play.
Do what works best for you.
Use stitching as a way to add mark making.
Add details to your page with stitches.
You don't have to fill the page with a stitch.
Draw with images; stitch an image onto your page.
Stitching is a slooooooooow process; it calms the mind in a way that collage didn't for Molly. It gives her a sense of peace.
Stitching is also different from collage because you can see where you started and where you've been by looking at the back of your stitched piece.
There are many ways to learn how to do various stitches.
YouTube is a great resource. Here's how to stitch a French knot that Molly mentions.
Another great online resource is CreativeBug.
How to Put a Collage Together by Molly Anthony
Choose Your Materials
Choose some fabric that feels good to you, ie feels soft.
Choose a piece of paper collage that has meaning or that you like.
Choose a piece of ribbon or a smaller piece of fabric.
Choose a word, such as "hope" that you'll stamp onto your piece.
Glue Sticks and Stitches-Finishing a Piece
You can pin things into place, or simply move them around until you are ready to add glue and stitches.
- Decide on the thread you'll use. The thread can be a contrasting color or a matching color.
- Layer the fabric and paper pieces you've chosen.
- Do some "seed stitches".
- Apply glue stick to the back of the paper you will add on top of the fabric layer.
- TIP: Use a thimble when doing your stitches. Needles are sharp!
- Add some stitches, perhaps some French knots (see video above) to the fabric and paper collage.
- Stamp a word with StazOn ink directly onto a piece of fabric and adhere or stitch to your collage.
Here are some stills from the Facebook Live of Molly sharing her work:
We will end this post just as Molly ended the Facebook Live by sharing a little hope with us and the rest of the world.
We are sending lots of love out to you all. May you stay safe and well during this difficult time in our world.
May you find solace in stitching or some other form of creative expression. Art, music, dance, theater, storytelling, writing, photography-we need all of it right now!
Thank you to all of the people who work in the medical field, with the elderly, with children, or anyone who does work that brightens our living experience.
Sending Peace and Blessings,
PS As teaching artists, our work has been canceled or postponed right now. If you can help support Molly and Briana by purchasing some of our online offerings, we'd greatly appreciate it! Thank you in advance if you are able to help. Also, be sure to buy your books and supplies and/or gift cards from local small businesses like Wet Paint when you can! It matters for their survival! Thank you!
You and your creativity matter.-Briana of Orange Spiral Arts