Hello, Howdy, and Good Day!
Thank you for taking a look at another Watercolor Wednesday blog post, here on OrangeSpiralArts.com
Today, I am using two sheets of old typewriter paper, Pelikan watercolor paint, a brush, and gesso (on one paper).
I had some typewriter paper out from the texture rubbings post I shared on Monday.
Are you curious how a thin paper like old typewriter paper would handle watercolor paint? Me, too!
I gessoed one sheet of old typewriter paper and left one sheet as is.
Next, I proceeded to paint colorful watercolor dots on the plain sheet of old typewriter paper, while the gesso dried on the other sheet.
Painting these sweet, colorful dots took me longer than expected.
However, the process was quite meditative and enjoyable.
I kind of felt like Eric Carle.
Now, it's time to move onto the gessoed typewriter paper.
What I noticed when using watercolor over gesso, was that the paint did not flow as much. It grabbed onto the texture, and I had to do more dragging with my brush. Also, the gritty gesso texture can be seen through the watercolor dots.
I think it will be a personal preference whether you like the gessoed texture or the plain paper.
Close-up of colorful watercolor dots on gessoed paper:
Close-up of colorful watercolor dots on plain paper:
Do you see the difference? Visually, which one do you prefer?
And I kept on painting those dots until I had two completed papers.
A side by side comparison:
And one more, a little closer:
This was really relaxing, and I highly recommend painting colorful watercolor dots!
Are you intrigued by color and artful color patterns? I have a workshop coming out on Monday, September 26 called "Draw, Paint, and Print Artful Color Patterns". It's part of the fabulous 21 Secrets Color, Color, Color workshop series. I have seen some sneak peeks of the other workshops offered, and you don't want to miss this! There are 23 other teachers, and we're all talking about color! Each artist has their own unique approach to how they use and think about color. You'll get to explore neons, neutrals, pastels, bright colors, and mix of other fantastic tips on playing with color. Find out more and get your downloadable, full color, 21 Secrets Color, Color, Color PDF on September 26, 2016!
Please use the link from my Orange Spiral Arts page, so I may get credit for your purchase. That is how I get paid as a contributor to 21 Secrets Color, Color, Color workshop series. Thank you kindly for your interest and support!
Blessings to you,