Hello and Happy Infinite Possibilities Day #infinitepossibilitiesday on August 8, 2016! (According to Mike Dooley, that's two infinity symbols in one day, which means amazing things!)
I would like to start this post by saying how worthy you are of self-love, compassion, belonging, and a sense of inner peace. Life is a journey. May your journey lead you to your sense of purpose, more love, and a connection to something greater.
Onto our regularly scheduled program . . . it's Mark Making Monday!!
Actually, this Mark Making Monday post has a lot to do with #infinitepossibilitiesday, as the art journal pages I am about to share are about finding purpose, and listening to clues from the universe.
Yesterday, in DeAnne's art journaling workshop, she asked participants to reflect on gratitude.
What came up for me has to do with wholeness, a sense of purpose, and being grateful for the clues and messages from the universe that guide me.
Pictured below, you see the beginning stages of my art journal spread. The white marks are created from gesso through a stencil. I also used my finger to create circles and dots with the white gesso.
I feel that in this life, my path and purpose is about creative expression and healing.
With my hands I make art; I drum; and I move them as I dance. I give hugs and tender touches. I also feel the life force energy that connects all right here in the palm of my hand.
Art Tip: Children's legos make for great dot patterns in art!
I am here to heal my own emotional wounds. I am here to express myself creatively. I am here to help others on their journeys to self-expression and emotional healing.
Art Tip: Dip a Stabilo 3-in-1 Woody in water, then draw with it on your journal page.
Art Tip: Your messy handwriting counts as mark making. Write messy on purpose to disguise personal text.
Ultimately, I am grateful for this path I am on. I am a deep person, who likes to connect with people and talk about the "real stuff" of life. Although moving through emotions is exhausting and painful, the serenity and peace on the other side is so worth the effort.
No matter where you are on your journey in this life, let it soak in that you are loved, loveable, and worthy of love.
Thanks for being here!
Many Blessings,